Friends (Virtual) Trivia

How you doin’? It’s time to grab your cup of coffee, get cozy on your couch, and imagine yourself in Central Perk with your Friends (or with your smelly cat at your lap), because…

Rotary Club of Toronto Skyline is putting together a trivia night featuring the most loved TV show – FRIENDS! Pivot!

Are you planning to watch the “Friends” reunion special? Think you are the ultimate Friends fan? Or you think it’s a moo point?

Venue: Zoom (link will be sent to participants)
Date: Friday, June 5th, 2020
Time: 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM
Cost: $9.50 per person

Proceeds will go to fund charity projects lead by the Rotary Club of Toronto Skyline.

Grab your ticket here

There will be PRIZES for the winning teams!

Who is organizing this trivia?

    1. Rotary Club of Toronto Skyline is a chapter of a club chapter of Rotary
      International (an international organization with more than 1.1 million members).
    2. Our club comprises of mostly younger professionals in Toronto’s downtown core that want to make a difference in their community and internationally and develop
      connections with like-minded individuals.
    3. The younger membership, with a median age in the mid-thirties sets us apart from most other Rotary Clubs who often include many retiree members.
    4. These days we are having our weekly meetings through Zoom and finding new ways to connect and give back.
    5. For more information please email us at

Where are the profits from this trivia going?

In response to COVID-19 we have donated $19,500 to local charities.
Charities that we work with or donate on an ongoing basis include:

How to get ready for the trivia

  1. It is recommended for players to have 2 screens or 2 devices (phone, computer, tablet) or one big screen to participate in order to see both Zoom (meeting software where questions are presented) and Kahoot (the quiz service where you will answer questions).
  2. All questions are about the TV show ‘Friends’ so the best way to get ready is to watch the series, online research will help but some questions will be unique to this trivia night so the only way to know all the answers is to watch the series.
  3. Ensure that your devices are available, and you have access to the internet from 7:30pm to 9pm on June 5th

The Rules & Scoring

    No teams – individual play only
    Do NOT type answers or hints into Zoom chat
    No Googling the answers
  2. Players MUST use their player names they emailed to If a player cannot be
    identified in Kahoot as a paid player, any winnings
    incurred will goto the next runner-up.
  3.  Prizes will be delivered to the winners via e-Transfer

Disputes, Questions, Tech Issues

Post a message in Zoom Chat OR email

For disputes, decisions by the organizers will be FINAL.

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